You're coaching 100 people...FOR FREE?


You're doing this all...FOR FREE?
It’s a bit controversial.
Are you sure you're not undervaluing your work and yourself?
You should never do anything for free.

I’ve heard these comments a few times now both as thoughts in my own head and being spoken aloud by others. Not in a mean way, let's be clear, but because they care. This morning I woke up and felt the urge to respond – in part to remind myself why I did the “100 days for 100 people challenge” and to reflect on how I feel about it now.

It’s important for me that you know this:

  • I didn’t do it because I undervalue myself or my work.

  • I didn’t do it because I didn’t think people could not pay me.

  • I did it because we were – we are - in a crisis and these are extraordinary times.

  • I did it because coaching is so incredibly powerful and I know it is needed more than ever.

I have given my time, skills and knowledge for free pretty much my whole life, both long periods of commitment or one-offs. The first one I really remember was helping to turn a scruffy patch of ground in the middle of our school into a small wildlife area although in reality we spent most afternoons sifting stones from the soil. When I was ten, I spent my own time collecting signatures from parents and children in my middle school to allow girls to wear trousers. It worked and ironically my daughter absolutely refuses to wear trousers at all. I made tea and toast for older adults in a residential home when I was 16 years old. With friends, I sang Christmas Carols to older adults at a day centre. I helped out with the RAG (Raise and Give) team at uni.

In my early twenties, I trained as a volunteer to answer calls, listen and provide a safe space for women affected by sexual violence at a small charity. I have volunteered at events, mostly in crowd control. I’ve done numerous challenges to raise money for different causes: from sponsored silences at school to running 10Ks to a 24-hour arts marathon. Now, I am Chair of the PTA at my children’s school and Chair of Trustees for Moving Memory, a company of the most fantastic older women who create really high-quality performance and fight against ageism.

In my eyes, this undertaking is no different in many ways. I am volunteering. I am offering my resources at a time in the world when people are feeling helpless, vulnerable and uncertain, sometimes lonely. I created a big challenge for myself: a zoom marathon. And as I have said to many of my coachees, it is not totally altruistic: I have been very upfront in all my communication. I did it because I felt stuck. I was about to launch my coaching practice and then, lockdown happened. I am one of the £3million people excluded from support and it was hard. I wanted to find a big way to make a difference to lots of people but also to consolidate my coaching practice, do more thinking about innovation and business and social impact and, so far, the lessons have been massive and at times, surprising.

In return for the two coaching sessions, I have asked for feedback, a testimonial if it made a difference and as some people asked how they can say thank you, I have offered different options that would help me: buying a coffee through my Ko-Fi page, donating blood if they can (a cause close to me), or to pay it forward and offer to spend time listening to someone who needs to talk. And of course, they can become a paying client and continue our coaching relationship which some already have.

I have learnt a lot about myself, what I want for my future, where I want to position myself and how I combine both thriving financially with making a social impact. From this big challenge I am now working on big plans – much bigger and different to how I originally saw my path. I am utterly convinced that I wouldn’t have had this quality of thinking – or confidence - if I hadn’t pushed myself to undertake this challenge.

I’m over halfway now with 5 weeks left. I’ve coached 72 people, and given well over 60 hours for free – thousands of pounds worth of coaching. Am I doing the best thing for me and my business? Who really knows? I just know this:

1. It feels like the right thing to do.
2. It is making me feel good.
3. It is making others feel good: although they are relatively short conversations, I am helping others to gain more clarity, feel more confident, find control and take the steps to move forward.
4. And I am gaining all that for myself too.

I have a sense of the bigger picture - my bigger picture - of how I want to live my life and contribute to the world. I’m trusting my instinct and intention. Are you ready for that too?

I work with leaders, entrepreneurs and teams, helping them to thrive and make a positive impact in the world. Book an introductory chat with me now.


My kindness tank ran low


I'm halfway through!